Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What Can You Do WIth Cup of Flour?

Relief Society Meeting
Thursday, November 15 at 7:00 pm

What can you do with one cup of flour? We will have some ideas and recipes for you.
This will be the first in a series of classes to help you CERTIFY in Emergency Preparedness.
We will also have a display table set up with fun ideas for giving preparedness items as Christmas gifts.
There will be a children's class.
Level 1 - Emergency Preparedness
Prepare Your Family for Emergency Preparedness

Spend a Family Home Evening or two educating your family
1. Cover emergency information for Earthquake, Flood, Fire, Nuclear etc.
2. As adults be aware of Man Made Disasters - Nuclear/Chemical and Biological Disasters (sensitive with children).
3. Teach family members of a responsible age how to turn of water, electricty and gas
4. Discuss various circumstances that would warrant such an action
5. Create a Fire Escape plan for your home - there should be two exits for each family member
• If in the basement or upper level make sure there is a way out through a window well or with a ladder
• Teach family members how to remove screens to escape
• Test all smoke detectors in the home, Replace batteries if necessary
• Make sure there is a fire extinguisher on each level of home and teach everyone basics of how to use

Create a Family Emergency Plan
1. Designate three meeting places
2. Provide Contact numbers for local Police, Fire Ambulance, Poison Control etc
3. Provide Contact numbers for Family and friends to contact in emergency
4. Designate an out to state relative or friend to contact in an emergency
5. Decide who will pick up kids from school. Know policy of releasing children in an emergency
6. Make an evacuation plan and put in a place to be used in an evacuation
7. Laminate the Family Emergency plan. Give a copy to each member, in each car, 72 hour kit and near phone.

Food Storage
1. 3 months of ready to eat food and toiletries (What would I need without any outside assistance?)
2. 2 weeks of water - one gallon per day per person

Alternative Method Heating, Lighting and Cooking (minimum 3 months supply)
1. Warmth - Bedding, clothing, sleeping bags
2. Heat - Fireplace, Kerosene Heater, Solar Power Heater, Generator
3. Light - Lanterns, Flashlights, Batteries, Solar Power Lights, Candles, Matches, Glow Sticks
4. Cooking - Bio Fuel, Propane or Kerosene Cook Stove , Fireplace, Wonder Oven, Solar Oven

72 Hour Kits
1. Basic First Aid Kit
2. Food/Water for 3-5 days
3. Blankets, clothing, sleeping bags
4. AM/FM Radio or Two Way radio
5. Exrta Batteries
6. Flashlight/Glow Sticks
7. TP in water prooof container
8. Cash/Prepaid Phone Card
9. Personal meds
10. Pocket Knife
11. Copy of Family Emergency Plan

Emergency Cash Fund - Cash/Change on hand (not in bank) Recommended $50- per person $100 per family minimum

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