Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Picnic in the Park

Circle Tues August 28th on your calendars for our annual Picnic in the Park.

The main dish will be provided and each street will be assigned a food item to share ( salad, dessert, chips, etc.).

The RS is putting together Welcome Baskets for those who have moved into the neighborhood since last year.

We are also going to do some fun drawings again this year and so we will be in need of your fun donations. Anything you would like to donate for the drawings???? Certificates would be awesome for any service ( free lawn mowing, garden weeding, computer fix it, upholstery job, or any food item you might like to make/bake/etc and bring that night or a certificate to make/bake/etc for a future time or any other item you would like to donate ( hot pads, scrubbers, dish towels, etc. etc. )The sky is the limit.
Think about it and we will be sending a sign up around on Sunday for your fun donations if you would like to donate something. The more donations we have, the more chances we all have to WIN!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Trip Through Guatemala With Sister Jill J.

August Relief Society Meeting
Thursday Aug. 16th @ 7:00pm
You are invited to trip through Guatemala
with Sister Jill J.  
She will be sharing her experiences and lots of
beautiful pictures.
She has pictures of places that are thought to be
"Waters' of Mormon" and "The Land Bountiful "

There will be a children's class & light refreshments.
Please plan on joining us for this relaxing journey at our church.