Friday, November 30, 2012

Relief Society Meeting
Wednesday December 12, 2012
6:30 p.m.

We will meet at the park and  go on an old-fashioned hay ride and Christmas Caroling through the neighborhood.

Please dress warmly and bring a quilt if you have one that doesn't mind being used on the wagon. Each sister will also need a flashlight or a headlamp if you have one.

We will stop at Sister Bonita's home where we will have hot chocolate and cookies. Then ride back to the park to get our cars.
There will not be a childrens class.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Welcome to All The New Sisters

We want to WELCOME all tne new sisters to our Relief Society.  We hope you feel included and at home very shortly. 
We are so happy to have you!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What Can You Do WIth Cup of Flour?

Relief Society Meeting
Thursday, November 15 at 7:00 pm

What can you do with one cup of flour? We will have some ideas and recipes for you.
This will be the first in a series of classes to help you CERTIFY in Emergency Preparedness.
We will also have a display table set up with fun ideas for giving preparedness items as Christmas gifts.
There will be a children's class.
Level 1 - Emergency Preparedness
Prepare Your Family for Emergency Preparedness

Spend a Family Home Evening or two educating your family
1. Cover emergency information for Earthquake, Flood, Fire, Nuclear etc.
2. As adults be aware of Man Made Disasters - Nuclear/Chemical and Biological Disasters (sensitive with children).
3. Teach family members of a responsible age how to turn of water, electricty and gas
4. Discuss various circumstances that would warrant such an action
5. Create a Fire Escape plan for your home - there should be two exits for each family member
• If in the basement or upper level make sure there is a way out through a window well or with a ladder
• Teach family members how to remove screens to escape
• Test all smoke detectors in the home, Replace batteries if necessary
• Make sure there is a fire extinguisher on each level of home and teach everyone basics of how to use

Create a Family Emergency Plan
1. Designate three meeting places
2. Provide Contact numbers for local Police, Fire Ambulance, Poison Control etc
3. Provide Contact numbers for Family and friends to contact in emergency
4. Designate an out to state relative or friend to contact in an emergency
5. Decide who will pick up kids from school. Know policy of releasing children in an emergency
6. Make an evacuation plan and put in a place to be used in an evacuation
7. Laminate the Family Emergency plan. Give a copy to each member, in each car, 72 hour kit and near phone.

Food Storage
1. 3 months of ready to eat food and toiletries (What would I need without any outside assistance?)
2. 2 weeks of water - one gallon per day per person

Alternative Method Heating, Lighting and Cooking (minimum 3 months supply)
1. Warmth - Bedding, clothing, sleeping bags
2. Heat - Fireplace, Kerosene Heater, Solar Power Heater, Generator
3. Light - Lanterns, Flashlights, Batteries, Solar Power Lights, Candles, Matches, Glow Sticks
4. Cooking - Bio Fuel, Propane or Kerosene Cook Stove , Fireplace, Wonder Oven, Solar Oven

72 Hour Kits
1. Basic First Aid Kit
2. Food/Water for 3-5 days
3. Blankets, clothing, sleeping bags
4. AM/FM Radio or Two Way radio
5. Exrta Batteries
6. Flashlight/Glow Sticks
7. TP in water prooof container
8. Cash/Prepaid Phone Card
9. Personal meds
10. Pocket Knife
11. Copy of Family Emergency Plan

Emergency Cash Fund - Cash/Change on hand (not in bank) Recommended $50- per person $100 per family minimum

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Purse-On Within

"The Purse-On Within"

Relief Society Meeting
Thurs. Oct. 18th @ 7:00pm

Come and enjoy an evening of fun and inspirational knowledge about the purses we use
and how they influence us.

Children's Class
Ghostly treats.........

(be sure to bring your purses)

Monday, September 10, 2012

All About Indexing

Indexing Tutorial

WHEN - Thursday September 13, 2012 at 7 p.m.
WHO - Kelly D will be meeting with us
WHERE - In the "computer" Family History room at the church ( on the east side just by the 10th ward Bp offices) to help us get started on Indexing.
HOW - Bonita has your membership number and the day of your confirmation if you need it. If you have your own info please try to download the indexing to your own computer. Go to the webpage. At the top you will find a link that says indexing. Click on that and you will be able to download to your "device" and even get to practice. But if you can't figure it out or don't have a chance to download before, just come Thurs night and we will walk you all through it
WHY - It is so addictive and such a service!
If you miss this you can still do indexing - contact Kelly D for more information.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Picnic in the Park

Circle Tues August 28th on your calendars for our annual Picnic in the Park.

The main dish will be provided and each street will be assigned a food item to share ( salad, dessert, chips, etc.).

The RS is putting together Welcome Baskets for those who have moved into the neighborhood since last year.

We are also going to do some fun drawings again this year and so we will be in need of your fun donations. Anything you would like to donate for the drawings???? Certificates would be awesome for any service ( free lawn mowing, garden weeding, computer fix it, upholstery job, or any food item you might like to make/bake/etc and bring that night or a certificate to make/bake/etc for a future time or any other item you would like to donate ( hot pads, scrubbers, dish towels, etc. etc. )The sky is the limit.
Think about it and we will be sending a sign up around on Sunday for your fun donations if you would like to donate something. The more donations we have, the more chances we all have to WIN!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Trip Through Guatemala With Sister Jill J.

August Relief Society Meeting
Thursday Aug. 16th @ 7:00pm
You are invited to trip through Guatemala
with Sister Jill J.  
She will be sharing her experiences and lots of
beautiful pictures.
She has pictures of places that are thought to be
"Waters' of Mormon" and "The Land Bountiful "

There will be a children's class & light refreshments.
Please plan on joining us for this relaxing journey at our church.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

From Hand To Heart


We invite all  4th Ward sisters to read the May 2012 Ensign - Conference Report from cover to cover.   Highlight or put notes in the margin or use a notebook to record your thoughts for those messages that touch your heart. 

During our Sept monthly RS meeting -- Sept 20th --- we will meet and share how we have implemented / tried and tried and are still trying to implement  / hope to implement / or just how we have been touched by this recent conference.  

There are 40 talks and there are 54 days if you start today (Sunday July 29, 2012), we have plenty of time to read one talk a day.  Begin now and come for sharing and I did say treats didn't I?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dutch Overn Cooking

Coming Right Up!
Thurs July 19th

Dutch Oven Cook Off at Loren and Elaine P.  home.
Coals will be ready around 5 p.m. - Anyone wanting to prepare dutch oven food can plan the cook time accordingly to have it ready to eat by 6:30.  

If you are not doing dutch oven cooking, please plan to bring either a salad or a dessert to share.    The Primary will be doing a short program.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Relief Society Meeting
Thursday April 19,2012 @ 7:00pm
with Bulgan and her daughter Sarah
Cooking Tips & yummy samples for all...........

Children's class provided (Nursery)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Something Extraordinary!

Pictures from our Extraordinary Night:

Our Wonderful Waiters

Extraordinary Talent!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Relief Society Birthday Celebration


March 15

Nice Dinner and Program

We would like to have a display of some of the "Extraordinary" things you have made or done through the years start thinking about this it can be anything, pottery, painting, crocheting, knitting, calligraphy, writing a book, quilting, scrapbooking, jewelry making, baking, ANYTHING.


President Uchtdorf reminds us "No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you, with an infinite love."

Stake Relief Society Activity

Stake Relief Society Activity

Feb 25th
9:30 am
Guest Speaker Kitty De Ruyter-Bons
She was a prisoner of WWII and wrote a beautiful book called As I have loved you.
Relief Society Sisters, Young Women and Veterans are all invited to come.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Relief Society Self Defense Class

January 19 - Relief Society Self Defense class
We are having shito-ryo-martial arts group come and teach us some self defense and exercise strengthening tips 7:00pm Young Women are invited we will have a nursery provided.