Treasures from the Heart Christmas Workshop
November 21, 2009 - 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Food Storage Buckets/Linda/
Wall Hanging (sew)/Bonita /Scraps/Fabric
Beaded Watch/Heather/$15.00
Wooden Puzzle Nativity/Mesha/$10.00 + paint
FHE Boards/Bridgette
Star Santa
Clipboard Countdown/Lorraine/
Hanger Christmas Tree/Kendra/
Hair Accessories /Linsey
Bag (sew)/Bita/Scraps or buy
Vinyl - Menu Board and Calendar Jessica Sayer/
Family Puzzle or Sunday Infant Stimulation Book/Kalea/
12:00 - Lunch
People Feeder/LeAnne/
Crayon Purse (sew)/Brandi Cousin/Crayons/scraps
Vinyl - Quote Board/Jessica Sayer/
Ornament Corner (3 choices)/Jennifer/Tressi/
Betty Small gifts
Lorrainne – Gift Ideas
Jane – Nativity out of clay pots
Exchange Table
Displays for sign ups on November 1st, 8th, and 15th
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009 - Come Grow With Us - April 16

Priesthood Invited
Round Robin Classes· Choose 4 Classes· 25 minutes long/5 minute break between each class to rotate· Classes will start at 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30· All classes in the Gym· Refreshments will be served through the eveningClass Material
Round Robin Classes· Choose 4 Classes· 25 minutes long/5 minute break between each class to rotate· Classes will start at 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30· All classes in the Gym· Refreshments will be served through the eveningClass Material
1 -Planning your Garden – Kalea C. will cover placement, sun, layout etc. She will use any extra time to answer questions for specific issues not covered by any of the class topics.2- Garden Management – Richard M will cover fertilizer, watering, insects,soil prep and weeds.
3 -Unique Planting – Loren P. will cover square foot planting, raised beds and other special planting.
4 -Vegetable Gardening – Jeff and Bonita J. will cover cold and warm weather vegetables, how deep to plant seeds, planting starts such as tomatoes, peppers, etc.5 - Herbs – Cindy Davis will cover the how to’s of herb gardening.
6 - Fruits – Verl and Irene L. will cover all about various fruits we can grow here such as trees, bushes and small fruits.
3 -Unique Planting – Loren P. will cover square foot planting, raised beds and other special planting.
4 -Vegetable Gardening – Jeff and Bonita J. will cover cold and warm weather vegetables, how deep to plant seeds, planting starts such as tomatoes, peppers, etc.5 - Herbs – Cindy Davis will cover the how to’s of herb gardening.
6 - Fruits – Verl and Irene L. will cover all about various fruits we can grow here such as trees, bushes and small fruits.
7 - Veggie Basic s- Wendell L.
Refreshments will be there and they will be yummy.
Come prepared to learn a lot and be totally motivated to plant your garden!
We also handed out a list of "experts" in our neighborhood as resources for you to contact if you have questions about your garden (vegetable and flower) this summer. Contact a member of the presidency to get a copy.
Refreshments will be there and they will be yummy.
Come prepared to learn a lot and be totally motivated to plant your garden!
We also handed out a list of "experts" in our neighborhood as resources for you to contact if you have questions about your garden (vegetable and flower) this summer. Contact a member of the presidency to get a copy.
Friday, March 13, 2009 - Relief Society Birthday Party
Our Relief Society Birthday Party is on March 19 at 7 p.m.Brother Kunz will be speaking on "Come Unto Christ."Husbands are invited. Cake and Ice Cream will be served.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 - Silver Foxes Luncheon - March
Bread Class

February Daytime Enrichment - Making Bread
We will be doing daytime Enrichment on February 19 at 10:00 a.m.
The Stake has asked that every woman in the Stake know how to make bread from scratch.
We are having a bread making class taught by Linda P. She will teach the basics of making bread, including yeast info, kneading, raising etc. Everyone will be making their own bread.
Each person needs to bring their own ingredients along with a bowl and bread pan to take it home in.
She will also teach us how to make cinnamon sticks, rolls and other yummy items.A nursery will be provided.
Follow Up
We had a great time. Everyone learned something and we are hearing that several havemade bread numerous times since.
We are also planning a Nighttime Bread Making Enrichment for the sisters who weren't able to attend.
We will be doing daytime Enrichment on February 19 at 10:00 a.m.
The Stake has asked that every woman in the Stake know how to make bread from scratch.
We are having a bread making class taught by Linda P. She will teach the basics of making bread, including yeast info, kneading, raising etc. Everyone will be making their own bread.
Each person needs to bring their own ingredients along with a bowl and bread pan to take it home in.
She will also teach us how to make cinnamon sticks, rolls and other yummy items.A nursery will be provided.
Follow Up
We had a great time. Everyone learned something and we are hearing that several havemade bread numerous times since.
We are also planning a Nighttime Bread Making Enrichment for the sisters who weren't able to attend.
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